For years, Donna Vinci has been committed to giving back to the people in the communities nationwide that have supported our growth. Well recently, we had the opportunity to bestow gifts upon five amazing women in the City of Compton for their commitment to their community and childrena as volunteers, single moms or those fighting to establish a better life and home for themselves and their families. On April 6, 2007, we honored these women by giving each one of them a suit and hat.The five recipients have shown their commitment to excellence. These are their stories:
LaTonya Bruce found herself out of work and in need of training to get back in the job market. She took the first step by securing no cost training from Compton CareerLink, an employment and training resource for residents in the City of Compton. Bruce wanted to upgrade her skills, polish up her interview techniques and create a professional resume to increase her changes of securing employment. She was honored for determination and desire to find work and avoid government assistance.
Tonette Bowden wanted to become economically independent, so she turned to the Compton Housing Authority, an agency that helps eligible participants with rent subsidies so they can afford decent, safe and sanitary housing. As a result of Bowden's hard work and determination, she is one of the first participants slated to purchase her first home through the Compton Housing Authority Section 8 Homeowner Program.
Mary Lawson has served helped for close to 30 years as a volunteer for the Salvation Army. Every month, Lawson gets up at 5:00 a.m. and goes to the Compton Salvation Army to prepare hundreds of meals for the homeless and less fortunate. Lawson is a senior volunteer and in charge of overseeing the Compton Salvation Army's Lock Key Children's program.
Georgia Pickens was recently award "Volunteer of the Year" by the Compton Sheriff's Department for her more than 25 years of service as a volunteer in the city of Compton. For the past six years, she has worked closely with Lawson serving the homeless meals at the Salvation Army. She has been a volunteer for the VA Hospital and Sheriff's Department for 25 years.
Jackie Day is the mother of five who sought the assistance of the Compton CareerLink to get off of welfare. Today she is employed and taking care of her kids.
After learning about each of the extraordinary women's commitment to empowering themselves and others, our team decided we had to honor these women by providing them with clothing to help them in their journey.
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